Our major food packaging product lines and some of the major materials we manufacture, supply and export from Bangladesh:
Paper Cup, Paper Tulip, Bakery Product Wrapper, Takeaway Container etc.
Plastic Container, Plastic Container with IML, Plastic Cup, Plastic Takeaway Container, Plastic Spoon, Straw, Strailer, Pizza Lid Support etc.
Cling Film
Cling film (UK), cling wrap or food wrap.
Various Sachet items.
Gifts Items
Various Food & Beverage Utility, Metal Show Pieces, Plastic Decoration Items etc.
Cooler, Attendance Register, Bill Counter, IP/CC Camera, Oven, Vegetable Cutter, Juice Maker, Coffee Machine etc.
Paper ProductsPlastic ProductsCling FilmSachetBusiness Promotion Gift ItemsEquipmentJust Arrived

Paper Cup

Paper Tulip

Bakery Product Wrapper

Takeaway Container

Plastic Container

Plastic Container with IML

Plastic Cup

Plastic Takeaway Container

Plastic Spoon



Pizza Lid Support

Cling Film
Cling Film
Plastic wrap, cling film (UK), cling wrap or food wrap, is a thin plastic film typically used for sealing food items in containers to keep them fresh over a longer period of time. Plastic wrap, typically sold on rolls in boxes with a cutting edge, clings to many smooth surfaces and can thus remain tight over the opening of a container without adhesive or other devices. Common plastic wrap is roughly 0.5 mils, or 12.5 µm, thick.

Various Food & Beverage Utility: Plastic & Rubber

Show Piece: Metal

Decoration Item: Plastic


Attendance Register

Bill Counter

IP/CC Camera


Vegetable Cutter


Juice Maker

Coffe Machine
Attendance Register
Juice Maker